Sunday 29 January 2017

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have used a wide range of technologies, equipment and software's that have helped me when developing and making my magazine. Due to previous experience as a GCSE media studies student, I used this opportunity to develop in my skills for my AS media.

This is a presentation software that I learnt to use when doing my evaluation of my magazine. I used it as it was something more creative and fun that a normal presentation and it also added a professional feel to my coursework.

Blogger is the software I use to publish my coursework in an effective, easy way. I have found it hard to use blogger as it was very new to me at the beginning of my coursework as I had never used it before. I have overcome some obstacles concerning the appearance of my blog although I believe I can still advance my knowledge of how to use blogger and further improve the look of the blog. Using blogger is an effective, successful way for others to view my work as well as be able to add to posts after publishing them or edit them with ease.

I also used pixlr, an image editing software. I had used pixlr previously when doing my coursework at GCSE and therefore I had no problems with editing my images although I should have used this opportunity to expand my knowledge of editing and become more creative although as the design of my magazine was very simplistic I had no need to be more experimental in my editing.

Canva was also an editing software but focused more on the layout of my magazine and the text rather than the editing of the images. Canva was a new software to me and so at first I found it difficult how to use it effectively but after a few days of experimenting with the software I found it pretty easy to use. This was advantageous for me as by following a layout it made my magazine have an overall professional, realistic look.

I also used a Nikon camera for my images. I learnt many things when using this camera, for example how to get the lighting you want, how to expel shadows, how to take images without a tripod and other techniques which I applied when taking my images.
This was effective for me as I was able to produce the best images possible with this camera and it made the overall look of my magazine a lot more professional.

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