Thursday 1 December 2016

Creativity of My Music Magazine

Action Plan and Moodboard

  • Lorde
  • Tom Odell
  • Lana Del Ray
  • Birdy
  • Ellie Goulding
  • Charlie XCX
  • Marina and The Diamonds
  • The Weekend
  • Florence and The Machine  (etc.)
These indie pop musicians are the type which I would like to incorporate within my own magazine; they all have a unique sound and look to their image which then makes them stand out from the mainstream genre of pop music. Further more, although they stand out from other genres, within the indie pop genre they have the similar simplistic appearance which I then can imitate within my own images for the music magazine. For example, Birdy and Lorde, are both very natural with their appearance alongside a casual choice in clothing which implies a nonchalant attitude or helps to fully turn the audiences attention to the music they make rather than how they appear. This also helps their audiences to feel as if they are not inferior to them, although whilst still not making them feel superior, which would then advance in the quality and enjoyment of their music in that the audience feel it is more of a one to one performance or on a more personal level.

Conventional Camerawork Shots:
  • extreme long shot
  • long shot
  • full shot
  • mid-shot
  • close-up
  • extreme close-up
  • zoomed in
  • zoomed out
  • wide shot
  • birds eye view
  • worms view
  • high angle
  • low angle
  • eye level angle
Magazine Titles:
  • Stream - This name reflects the modern-day use of streaming music and how the charts incorporate streaming rates to how popular artists/songs are; although I don't think I will be using this title for my magazine as streaming of music is mostly in association with pop, mainstream music, whereas my music magazine incorporates indie-pop music which is less mainstream and so this name would not reflect the genre accurately.
  • Upload - This magazine title is similar to that of 'Stream' in that it reflects the modern way of sharing and listening to music.
  • Trend - This title is not one I think I'll be using because 'Trend' reflects pop music more than it does indie-pop, therefore I don't think it'll appeal to my target audience.
  • Melodic - This title suits a music magazine well as it does not specify to a genre and so would be a good choice for my music magazine as my genre is indie-pop which is a mix of two genres and this title does not suit one of the genres more than the other.
  • Subculture - I chose this as an option because indie-pop is described as a subculture that originated in the UK in the late 70s, therefore I believe it suits my magazine more than previous titles.
  • Sound
  • Unique
  • Original
  • Acoustic  
  • Melody
  • Unheard
  • Tunes
The titles highlighted are all which are words I associate with indie-pop music; stereotypically indie music is viewed as original and raw, without auto-tune or the electronic sound heard a lot in pop music.

Many indie-pop magazines have the continuity of whites, blacks, pale pinks and blues or bright reds and yellows. I will be incorporating similar colours within my own music magazine.

Sell lines:
The sell lines I use on my magazine's front cover need to appeal to my target audience through being eye-catching and engaging.
  • "Your insight to the best music"
  • Artists incorporated within the magazine: "Lana Del Rey... Ed Sheeran... The Smiths..."
  • "Win the chance to..."
  • "... new album review"
  • "exclusive interview with..."

This is where magazines uses similar layouts and structure, such as, the masthead font, colours, logo, placement of the images as well as the placement of the barcode. This is used amongst most of the music magazines being sold today; this gives each magazine their own individual look and layout, making them stand out from other similar magazines.

Layout designs:
Layout design refers to the way in which I will be presenting my double page spread; this refers to where I will place the title of the article, the questions/sub-titles and the long pieces of text about the artist as well as other images of the artist.
 Unique Selling Point:
A unique selling point is a factor that makes my magazine different to others, this can be that magazine is the lowest cost or the highest quality.
My unique selling point will be:

Improvement of my mock up sketch of the front page, contents and DPS
The image to the left is my draft of my front cover alongside two drafts showing how my contents may look. For my front cover I went for a close-up of the artists face with the working title of my magazine at the top in a bold font with cover-lines on both the left and right side of the main image.  My first draft of the contents page is quite organised in that the main contents were going to be separated into 3 groups based off what the articles were; the featured artist would then have an image and a small box underneath to give the reader an insight into the article surrounding the specific artist. I then developed a second draft for my contents page which is made up of the contents overlaying an image of the featured artist to the right, there would also be a quote pulled out of the interview with the artist underneath the image to encourage the readers to read the article.

The image to the right shows the first draft of my double page spread; it shows an image filling the left page, overlaying this would be the artists name and on the right page a small close up image of the artist would be placed in the centre of the page with the questions and answers of the articles surrounding it.

This is my second draft of the double page spread; it is very similar to that of my first draft although if there was more text within the article I would place it over the image on the left.

Talent organised:

I have organised who will be used as my artist within my indie-pop music; Ashleigh Towerton will be featured due to her availability for the photo-shoot and interview. The talent is around the same age of other indie pop artists of 21+ as well as having the natural look of indie-pop artists that aren't vain or consumed by fame.

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