Friday 14 October 2016

Collecting Data - NSR

NSR Collecting Data

The NRS provides research in use for print and digital advertising trading in Britain. The National Readership Survey focuses on readership; this is the statistics of the people who read particular magazines. It was established in 1956 and now covers over 250 of Britain's major newsbrands and magazines whilst covering the size and nature of the audience that these specific newsbrands or magazines achieve.

How will this help with the development within my own magazine?

These statistics would help in developing my magazine through the fact that I can research within the genre of music media magazine I will be pursuing and accurately develop my target audience. Although the three music magazines in the example are all similar genres of rock they clearly represent their target audience in gender, age range and ABC1 category. This will help me understand who my magazine will appeal to and therefore will help me in the choices made whilst developing my own magazine.

The ABC focuses on the circulation of magazines, which is research focusing on the amount of copies sold of a particular magazine.
This would help me in the development of my own music magazine in that I can research the most successful music magazines and analyse the characteristics within the magazine that made it successful and try and incorporate some of these into my own magazine.

Penumbra Effect:
This describes the small group of individuals that are not in the specifics magazine target audience as they don't fit the stereotype, but they do purchase or read the magazine. Niche magazines may have a Penumbra effect in that the magazine has been targeted specifically to a group, although there is still a small group of people within their audience that do not fit into the specific group. This can further occur in any type of magazine, TV programme or film.

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