Friday 30 September 2016

David Carson's magazine designs


David Carson is best known for his magazine designs along with his experimental typography. His magazines designs challenge traditional ideas of magazine cover designs through his choice of main image and the way he organises and presents the text. In the two examples above we can see that David Carson's designs differentiate from the stereotypical magazine cover; the use of the clear font in the first example with random bold letters and the way some of the words continue on to the next line is unseen in other magazines. The second example of David Carson's design coveys his individuality through the lack of text, which passes all of the attention onto the main image. The main image challenges traditional ideas through the use of flipping the artist's image; this image isn't very clear, it has the effect of a painted or drawn image which isn't usually seen within other music magazine cover designs. The contrast of colour also emphasises David Carson's individuality within his designs. David Carson also moves the barcode of the magazine from the usual space of the bottom right corner to meet his design style.

David Carson reinforces his individuality through these two magazine covers; by having the main image of the magazine inverted he represents how he moves away from traditional designs. He further represents this in the second example as the design has the look of a stamp or scrapbook which is not usually seen. This creates a personal feel to this magazine cover and is an inventive way to portray the magazines main article titles and featured artist.
Overall the inventive and unique style of David Carson's magazine design is something I would like to attempt within my work to help my magazine design stand out and show some creativity.

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