Monday 5 December 2016


Possible locations for my photos:

These first three locations are all within the same location. This possible location is a public park which would give a rural, raw look to my indie-pop magazine. Many other indie magazines I have analysed incorporate nature within their images therefore, I may use this location to introduce the indie genre into my magazine although these locations don't convey the pop genre alongside the indie. Therefore, to make the genre of my magazine more obvious I would have to incorporate images set in other locations to
convey the overall indie-pop genre.

I choose this factory as the next possible location as the rustic look furthered conveyed the indie genre although, not as strongly as the previous setting therefore, this location incorporates more of the indie-pop genre.
This factory conveyed a rustic, abandoned theme which I believe suits the indie genre well as indie music magazines are usually reflective of the raw and independent artists of whom are consumed by the pop industry. As my music magazine is the indie-pop genre I am able to focus on either the aspects of indie or pop within each magazine edition. Therefore, by having locations such as this factory I am able to focus on the indie side of my genre within the image and then add pop conventions within the editing and incorporation of text later within my development.

Within the same location there was a large green garage door which I thought also withheld good conventions of the indie genre.

My next location was a large segment of black brick wall. I believe this is a good choice of location for my indie-pop magazine as many pop magazine's images contain very plain and simplistic backgrounds with the artist being the main subject/focus. Therefore, to incorporate both indie and pop equally I choose this plain background to contrast against the more busy locations such as the ones in the park.

For similar reasons as the brick wall above, I also found this other brick wall which was a lot more rustic and run down which conveys the indie-pop genre well. Many indie-pop artists started their career or their love for music when they were out busking in their local areas, with these sort of locations I am able to convey where the artist may have begun their career as an artist and in a way taken them back to basics.

The next location was also a brick was that was quite rustic although it was this eye-catching bright pink which would add a different aspect to my magazine images.

These windows provided a backdrop similar to the ones earlier at the abandoned looking factory although added more lighter, eye-catching aspects which I believe would appeal more to my target audience. Alongside the peeling paint on both the windows and the brick wall itself  can be seen as stereotypical indie-pop rustic conventions. This location would work well as a contrasting colour against the black brick wall as well as the plain, deteriorating brick wall.

Following on from the abandoned, rustic feel I used this abandoned, boarded up pub/bar. although this locations has some conventions of indie-pop, it is not what I was looking for and looks too pristine and new to convey the rustic look, therefore, I don't think I will be using this location for my images as I don't believe it carries the accurate conventions I desire for my magazine design.

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