Monday 7 November 2016

My Reader/Target Audience


My readers are a range of female and males of whom are intelligent, positive, passionate about music, relaxed and outgoing. My readers are interested in finding unknown artists and going to their gigs; their religion or beliefs are not specific but their taste in music is whether its finding new artists or supporting smaller groups or individuals that are making their way in the music business; the main aim of my readers is to not follow mainstream music, which includes artists/music that are generically very popular. My readers enjoy a variety of indie-pop music from Tom Odell to Charlie XCX to Birdy. My readers can be described as intelligent, positive, passionate about their love of music and outgoing; which then will be represented within my magazine design, such as the main images and the language used in the article included in the double page spread.

The age range is from 16-35; I decided on this age range because at the age of around 16 onwards individuals become a lot more passionate about their favourite genre of music; my indie-pop music magazine would be perfect for this age range through providing appropriate articles and information for individuals wanting to be more knowledgeable about the genre or wanting to find new artists to support and enjoy listening to their music. I closed the age range at around 35 because my indie-pop magazine , although it will provide some knowledgeable and intricate analysis, will not be as informative or as serious as some at the age of around  would like to be reading, therefore by having my age range of my target audience stop at around 35 I am able to appeal my magazine as accurately as I can.

I have chosen this audience group because they are a conventional group as these type of individuals are not uncommon to be seen. There is a gap in the market for an indie-pop music magazine; there are a lot of indie style magazines as well as pop style magazines; although, there are no obvious indie-pop magazines which gives me the chance to choose my own style of indie-pop magazine as this genre is not commonly seen therefore there are no guidelines to follow or go against. I believe that an indie-pop magazine would appeal both to pop and indie audiences thus making it a mass audience which my magazine is appealing to.

These two images are representative of my target audience; in one of the images there is a young woman at the age of 17 of whom is looking through an old record collection. This  emphasises how those who listen to indie music and even indie-pop are open to discovering and exploring new or old music. The model is dressed in casual clothing and there is nothing prominently unique or obvious that can determine her as an indie-pop fan, this therefore places an emphasis on how the indie-pop audience do not display their taste in music entirely through the way they dress or look where as rock fans or even R&B fans may dress to match the persona of the music. Although the causal way the model is dressed could suggest the way the target audience is open to new music and does not define themselves to one type of genre as indie-pop is a mix of two genres; although it would be expected that if the genre was more specific in it being just indie or pop, the audience would carry more characteristics that reflect the specific genre.


1 comment:

  1. Good, Niamh. This is a solid and thorough blog. Now you need to channel your work into making the magazine- the most important thing.
