Monday 21 November 2016

My Genre

I will be creating an indie-pop music magazine. Within this genre, music magazines are quite rare therefore I will be aiming to combine the outgoing, on trend style of pop magazines along with the more subtle indie style; by doing this I am creating a music magazine for a genre that is not widely publicised and therefore I am attempting to reach an audience which hasn't been entirely targeted before.

Billboard is a music magazine that focuses on popular, new music; it mainly consists of the pop genre. For my own music magazine I will be using some of the features of magazines like this as inspiration to ensure that my indie-pop appeals to both the pop and indie music consumers. This example of Billboard is very simplistic in it's main image; the main image is a close-up portrait image of the artist edited to be in black and white; I plan to incorporate a very simple image, such as this, on the front cover of my own music magazine as I believe that if I use an image that includes more landscape/setting it will draw attention away from the main headlines or the feature of the artist themselves.

Furthermore, the second example of Billboard magazine is seen as more stereotypically the pop genre; the colour scheme of the pinks alongside the floral theme surrounding the image is seen commonly amongst pop magazines for the younger individuals. Although, the simplicity of the mid-shot, main image is continuing from the simplicity of the earlier cover, furthermore by doing this the magazine is ensuring that the readers are focusing on the bold headlines and the artist rather than being distracted or drawing their attention to other aspects within the image.

The indie music magazine 'Fader', as shown below, has a more realistic, raw look/style to their magazine in that the images look natural through the settings, costumes/clothing, make-up and lighting (mise-en-scene). By doing this indie magazines give the sense of an informal tone which therefore makes the targeted audience feel more inclined to buy the music magazine as they are able to relate within the content of the magazine. I will be incorporating this within my own images and magazine design to appeal to the indie-pop audience as it is more authentic and unique within each edition.

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